============ Installation ============ Requirements ------------ ``csdmpy`` has the following strict requirements: - `Python `_ 3.6 or later - `Numpy `_ 1.17 or later Other requirements include: - `requests>=2.21.0 `_ (for downloading files from server) - `astropy>=3.0 `_ (for astropy units module) - `matplotlib>=3.0 `_ (for rendering plots) Installing ``csdmpy`` --------------------- On Local machine (Using pip) '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' PIP is a package manager for Python packages and is included with python version 3.4 and higher. PIP is the easiest way to install python packages. .. code-block:: bash $ pip install csdmpy If you get a ``PermissionError``, it usually means that you do not have the required administrative access to install new packages to your Python installation. In this case, you may consider adding the ``--user`` option, at the end of the statement, to install the package into your home directory. You can read more about how to do this in the `pip documentation `_. .. code-block:: bash $ pip install csdmpy --user Upgrading to a newer version """""""""""""""""""""""""""" To upgrade, type the following in the terminal/Prompt .. code-block:: bash $ pip install csdmpy -U On Google Colab Notebook '''''''''''''''''''''''' Colaboratory is a Google research project. It is a Jupyter notebook environment that runs entirely in the cloud. Launch a new notebook on `Colab `_. To install the package, type .. code-block:: shell !pip install csdmpy in the first cell, and execute. All done! You may now start using the library.