####################################### The core scientific dataset (CSD) model ####################################### The core scientific dataset (CSD) model is a *light-weight*, *portable*, *versatile*, and *standalone* data model capable of handling a variety of scientific datasets. The model only encapsulates data values and the minimum metadata to accurately represent a `p`-component dependent variable, :math:`(\mathbf{U}_0, ... \mathbf{U}_q, ... \mathbf{U}_{p-1})`, discretely sampled at `M` unique points in a `d`-dimensional coordinate space, :math:`(\mathbf{X}_0, \mathbf{X}_1, ... \mathbf{X}_k, ... \mathbf{X}_{d-1})`. The model is not intended to encapsulate any information on how the data might be acquired, processed, or visualized. The data model is *versatile* in allowing many use cases for most spectroscopy, diffraction, and imaging techniques. As such the model supports multi-component datasets associated with continuous physical quantities that are discretely sampled in a multi-dimensional space associated with other carefully controlled quantities, for e.g., a mass as a function of temperature, a current as a function of voltage and time, a signal voltage as a function of magnetic field gradient strength, a color image with a red, green, and blue (RGB) light intensity components as a function of two independent spatial dimensions, or the six components of the symmetric second-rank diffusion tensor MRI as a function of three independent spatial dimensions. Additionally, the model supports multiple dependent variables sharing the same :math:`d`-dimensional coordinate space. For example, a simultaneous measurement of current and voltage as a function of time, simultaneous acquisition of air temperature, pressure, wind velocity, and solar-flux as a function of Earth’s latitude and longitude coordinates. We refer to these dependent variables as `correlated-datasets`. The CSD model is independent of the hardware, operating system, application software, programming language, and the object-oriented file-serialization format utilized in serializing the CSD model to the file. Out of numerous file serialization formats, XML, JSON, property list, we chose the data-exchange oriented JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file-serialization format because it is `human-readable` and `easily integrable` with any number of programming languages and field related application-software. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 CSDmodel_uml/csdm CSDmodel_uml/dimensions/dimension CSDmodel_uml/dependent_variables/dependent_variable CSDmodel_uml/enumeration CSDmodel_uml/scalarQuantity