.. _getting_started: ===================================== Getting started with `csdmpy` package ===================================== We have put together a set of guidelines for importing the `csdmpy` package and related methods and attributes. We encourage the users to follow these guidelines to promote consistency, amongst others. Import the package using .. doctest:: >>> import csdmpy as cp To load a `.csdf` or a `.csdfe` file, use the :meth:`~csdmpy.load` method of the `csdmpy` module. In the following example, we load a sample test file. .. doctest:: >>> filename = cp.tests.test01 # replace this with your file's name. >>> testdata1 = cp.load(filename) Here, ``testdata1`` is an instance of the CSDM class. At the root level, the :ref:`csdm_api` object includes various useful optional attributes that may contain additional information about the dataset. One such useful attribute is the :attr:`~csdmpy.CSDM.description` key, which briefs the end-users on the contents of the dataset. To access the value of this attribute use, .. doctest:: >>> testdata1.description 'A simulated sine curve.' --------------------------------------------------------------- Accessing the dimensions and dependent variables of the dataset --------------------------------------------------------------- An instance of the CSDM object may include multiple dimensions and dependent variables. Collectively, the dimensions form a multi-dimensional grid system, and the dependent variables populate this grid. In `csdmpy`, dimensions and dependent variables are structured as list object. To access these lists, use the :attr:`~csdmpy.CSDM.dimensions` and :attr:`~csdmpy.CSDM.dependent_variables` attribute of the CSDM object, respectively. For example, .. doctest:: >>> x = testdata1.dimensions >>> y = testdata1.dependent_variables In this example, the dataset contains one dimension and one dependent variable. You may access the instances of individual dimension and dependent variable by using the proper indexing. For example, the dimension and dependent variable at index 0 may be accessed using ``x[0]`` and ``y[0]``, respectively. Every instance of the :ref:`dim_api` object has its own set of attributes that further describe the respective dimension. For example, a Dimension object may have an optional :attr:`~csdmpy.Dimension.description` attribute, .. doctest:: >>> x[0].description 'A temporal dimension.' Similarly, every instance of the :ref:`dv_api` object has its own set of attributes. In this example, the :attr:`~csdmpy.DependentVariable.description` attribute from the dependent variable is >>> y[0].description 'A response dependent variable.' Coordinates along the dimension ******************************* Every dimension object contains a list of coordinates associated with every grid index along the dimension. To access these coordinates, use the :attr:`~csdmpy.Dimension.coordinates` attribute of the respective :ref:`dim_api` instance. In this example, the coordinates are .. doctest:: >>> x[0].coordinates .. note:: ``x[0].coordinates`` returns a `Quantity `_ instance from the `Astropy `_ package. The `csdmpy` module utilizes the units library from `astropy.units `_ module to handle physical quantities. The numerical `value` and the `unit` of the physical quantities are accessed through the Quantity instance, using the ``value`` and the ``unit`` attributes, respectively. Please refer to the `astropy.units `_ documentation for details. In the `csdmpy` module, the ``Quantity.value`` is a `Numpy array `_. For instance, in the above example, the underlying Numpy array from the coordinates attribute is accessed as .. doctest:: >>> x[0].coordinates.value array([0. , 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]) Components of the dependent variable ************************************ Every dependent variable object has at least one component. The number of components of the dependent variable is determined from the :attr:`~csdmpy.DependentVariable.quantity_type` attribute of the dependent variable object. For example, a scalar quantity has one-component, while a vector quantity may have multiple components. To access the components of the dependent variable, use the :attr:`~csdmpy.DependentVariable.components` attribute of the respective :ref:`dv_api` instance. For example, .. doctest:: >>> y[0].components array([[ 0.0000000e+00, 5.8778524e-01, 9.5105654e-01, 9.5105654e-01, 5.8778524e-01, 1.2246469e-16, -5.8778524e-01, -9.5105654e-01, -9.5105654e-01, -5.8778524e-01]], dtype=float32) The :attr:`~csdmpy.DependentVariable.components` attribute is a Numpy array. Note, the number of dimensions of this array is :math:`d+1`, where :math:`d` is the number of :ref:`dim_api` objects from the :attr:`~csdmpy.CSDM.dimensions` attribute. The additional dimension in the Numpy array corresponds to the number of components of the dependent variable. For instance, in this example, there is a single dimension, `i.e.`, :math:`d=1` and, therefore, the value of the :attr:`~csdmpy.DependentVariable.components` attribute holds a two-dimensional Numpy array of shape .. doctest:: >>> y[0].components.shape (1, 10) where the first element of the shape tuple, `1`, is the number of components of the dependent variable and the second element, `10`, is the number of points along the dimension, `i.e.`, ``x[0].coordinates``. -------------------- Plotting the dataset -------------------- It is always helpful to represent a scientific dataset with visual aids such as a plot or a figure instead of columns of numbers. As such, throughout this documentation, we provide a figure or two for every example dataset. We make use of Python's `Matplotlib library `_ for generating these figures. The users may, however, use their favorite plotting library. .. Attention:: Although we show code for visualizing the dataset, this documentation is not a guide for data visualization. The following snippet plots the dataset from this example. Here, the `axis_label` is an attribute of both Dimension and DependentVariable instances, and the `name` is an attribute of the DependentVariable instance. .. doctest:: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.plot(x[0].coordinates, y[0].components[0]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.xlabel(x[0].axis_label) # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.ylabel(y[0].axis_label[0]) # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.title(y[0].name) # doctest: +SKIP >>> plt.show() .. figure:: _images/test.* :figclass: figure-polaroid .. seealso:: :ref:`csdm_api`, :ref:`dim_api`, :ref:`dv_api`, `Quantity `_, `numpy array `_, `Matplotlib library `_