------ csdmpy ------ The `csdmpy` is a python package for importing and exporting files serialized with the core scientific dataset model file-format. The package supports a :math:`p`-component dependent variable, :math:`\mathbf{U} \equiv \{\mathbf{U}_{0}, \ldots,\mathbf{U}_{q}, \ldots,\mathbf{U}_{p-1} \}`, which is discretely sampled at :math:`M` unique points in a :math:`d`-dimensional space :math:`(\mathbf{X}_0, \ldots \mathbf{X}_k, \ldots \mathbf{X}_{d-1})`. Besides, the package also supports multiple dependent variables, :math:`\mathbf{U}_i`, sharing the same :math:`d`-dimensional space. Here, every dataset is an instance of the :ref:`csdm_api` class, which holds a list of dimensions and dependent variables. Every dimension, :math:`\mathbf{X}_k`, is an instance of the :ref:`dim_api` class, while every dependent variable, :math:`\mathbf{U}_i`, is an instance of the :ref:`dv_api` class. .. A UML class diagram of the `csdmpy` module is shown below. Methods ^^^^^^^ .. currentmodule:: csdmpy .. rubric:: Methods Summary .. autosummary:: ~load ~new ~parse_dict ~loads ~plot .. rubric:: Method Documentation .. autofunction:: load .. autofunction:: new .. autofunction:: parse_dict .. autofunction:: loads .. autofunction:: plot